viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010


This reflection is about the videos that I saw related with SOCIAL NETWORKS.

Networks make possible having electricity in our houses or sending a letter,

but social network make possible to find friends, to meet new people, or to find a job even a house;

to belong to a social network, you have to enter to some pages like the next ones: Facebook, my space etc...

then you should follow the next steps:

  1. You creat a count (Sign up now)

  2. You give information about you (Tell us about you)

  3. You look for people you know

When you find someone you should...

  • Click in ADD as friend.

If the person accept you, he/she become your contact; and you become a member of your social network

  • Both have a connection on the web site

You can see your friends, and the friends of your friends, creating a huge network connection

The second video compare the social network with the story of a little town called: Scoopville, this place was famous because the ice cream, first only the factory could cooked ice cream, the people started to get bored with the same flavors, so the factory decided to gave the chance to citizens to create new flavors, as a result a lot of different flavors were created, people started to share them, one day a citizen decided to put a board where people could grade and comment about his ice cream, in this way people could see the grades and the comments as well, a lot of people decided to do the same, this means: bring people together(a social network is done by people for people).

As the different ice cream´flavors you can decide between create a blog, a postcast or video shares. You can grade them and comment them as well.

  1. Add a tag.
  1. Rate this.
  1. Post new comments.

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2010


  1. Last class we saw what instruccional model is:
  • it is a structured, sistematic, and planned process that serves to design materials,

and to give classes online (no presential or pseupresential)

  • Technology plays an important role, because it helps students to imporove their learning process.

  1. We also saw that the designer is the one who provides help to teacher, or even the same teacher.

  • This is in charge of the strategies that will be used and the methodologies as well.

  1. We also saw some types of models, such as:

  • Gogne Model, Addie Model, and Dick and Carey Model.

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010


Well, last class our topic was: TICS (Electric blackboard, I-phone, web 2.0),

we also saw what is an educative platform: virtual space that teacher could use as an aid for his/her schoolar course.

also some examples of educative platform ( frees: moddle and of cost: blackboard),

and the impact of these on education (portfolio and platform), and society (celphone, I-phone, etc.).

And the role of that the teacher should take to implement this new technology to his/her plan (collaborative, guide, and creative etc...)

And the role of the student as well (active and autonomous).

  • The class was iteresting, but I don´t like TICS, as a teacher; I prefer the old way to teach =S.